Black criminals targeting Hispanics - Durham? | RPD officer's Juneteenth post "outrages" activists | State lawsuit filed over 2020 ReopenNC arrest
No. 82 — Jul. 21-Jul. 27, 2024
Black man charged in Durham crime spree targeting Hispanics - a pattern?
Durham man arrested in connection with robberies targeting Hispanics; police - ABC11
When I saw the headline regarding a Durham man arrested for a series of six armed robberies between July 19-23 targeting Hispanic victims, I was reminded of an item I wrote for this newsletter last year: Media leaves out description of perps in reporting on crimes targeting Hispanic women in Durham (No. 38 — Sep. 23, 2023)
Although this week's arrest of Denshawn Stareek Thompson on 10+ felony charges appears to be unrelated to the September crime spree, it follows the same pattern: black perpetrator, Hispanic victims.
A brief bit of research reveals a handful of stories based on Durham Police press releases over the past few years involving crimes targeting Hispanic victims:
November 29, 2018 (Two suspects with their faces partially covered with scarves or hoodies) - Durham Police investigate rash of armed robberies that appears to target Hispanics
March 21, 2021 (Men in black) - Durham police seek duo who have targeted Hispanics in 10 armed robberies this month
November 17, 2023 (No perpetrator description) - Durham police issue warning of armed robberies targeting Hispanics
July 16, 2023 (No perpetrator description) - Hispanic victims targeted in recent string of armed robberies, Durham police say
September 18, 2023 (Two to three thin frame, shorter African-American juvenile males wearing ski masks) - Durham carjackings, robberies appear to target Hispanic women
I couldn't find any stories of the reverse, Durham Police warning of crime sprees specifically targeting black victims, with unidentified or Hispanic perpetrators.
Is this a "man bites dog" type of situation, is this a real pattern of Black-on-Hispanic crime, or is it an artifact of Durham demographics? (According to the 2020 census, 36% of the Durham population is black, 15% is Hispanic).
I am reminded of the "Stop Asian Hate" movement and media narrative, in which activists, politicians, and news sources bent over backwards to avoid coming to grips with who was disproportionately responsible for the spate of violent attacks against Asian victims.
Unfortunately, it does appear that racial "sensitivity" or political/anti-racist motives is getting in the way of Durham criminals being identified and punished. As written in an 2021 INDY article on the subject (a self-described "progressive" news source), the Hispanic community is aware of the optics of pointing the finger at Black criminals:
Some Latinx activists contacted by the INDY declined to comment about the crimes because of past evidence indicating the perpetrators were Black.
“It’s a tricky issue,” says a spokeswoman with a Triangle-based Latinx organization, who spoke on the condition of anonymity. “We have to be very mindful of the perception and being viewed as anti-Black.”
Raleigh Police Officer on leave, being investigated for denigrating Juneteenth as a "made-up holiday"
Raleigh police officer on leave while alleged Juneteenth remark investigated - N&O
Raleigh officer on leave after alleged social media post claiming Juneteenth is a 'made-up holiday' - WRAL
NC officer on leave after Juneteenth social media post, activists in Raleigh outraged - ABC11
Senior Officer D. C Twiddy has been put on administrative leave by the Raleigh Police after an Instagram story he allegedly made was screenshotted and went viral on social media, which appeared to show a photo of Twiddy at a Hilton Head resort as well as the following caption:
Juneteenth is a made up holiday. Today is my birthday and it's been that way for 38 years. Youre [sic] welcome for the day off.
Twiddy has been a target of anti-police activists after fatally shooting 24-year-old Akiel Denkins in 2016 (the shooting was ruled self-defense by Wake County DA Lorrin Freeman).
Juneteenth derives it's name from the date of the Emancipation Proclamation's enforcement in Texas on June 19, 1865. Although the celebration of the holiday in the state began the next year, it was first established as a federal holiday in 2021, the same year the City of Raleigh held it's first Juneteenth celebration.
Record-breaking Democratic fundraising for Kamala Harris brings renewed attention to zombie-donor investigation
A social media video expressing skepticism of presumed Democratic Presidential Nominee Kamala Harris' post-announcement record fundraising has brought renewed attention to my investigation into ActBlue "zombie donors" here in the Triangle.
The video, which includes independent journalist James Li reading from the Carolina Journal article on the investigation, has amassed over 2 million impressions on Twitter/X and TikTok
The investigation found and verified two Raleigh citizens whose names and addresses were fraudulently placed on FEC contribution records which they were not, in fact, the source of:
State lawsuit filed over 2020 ReopenNC arrest
On Monday, Monica Ussery filed a civil lawsuit in Wake Superior Court accusing Governor Roy Cooper, Wake County District Attorney Lorrin Freeman, as well as various law enforcement and government actors of violating her civil rights in relation to her 2020 arrest in Raleigh at the first ReopenNC protest.
Ussery's federal lawsuit, which was dismissed last month, alleged violations under the US Constitution; this lawsuit in the state courts alleges violations of her parallel rights guaranteed by the North Carolina Constitution:
(subscribers will receive the article in their inbox on Monday)
Misc. Reading
Raleigh holds annual DEI conference amid recent reckoning by UNC system - ABC11
Triangle schools covered by Title IX rules injuction:
Cary Christian School (Cary NC)
Chapel Hill High School (Chapel Hill NC)
St. Thomas More Catholic School (Chapel Hill NC)
American Leadership Academy Johnston (Clayton NC)
Seaforth High School (Pittsboro NC)
North Raleigh Christian Academy (Raleigh NC)
Ligon Magnet Middle School (Raleigh NC)
Thanks for all of your solid reporting. Orange and Alamance counties have lots of law-abiding and I think mostly self-policing Hispanics, seems like. Since the '90s we have seen many neighborhoods and whole areas upscaled through an influx of the same, clearing trash from trailer parks, opening small shops and restaurants, building porches and decks, joining churches. Including In Durham, probably despite "Latinx activists". Given the politics over there, and the sheriffs over this way, voting with their feet might be an option for hard-working citizens to consider. (Alamance has lower taxes and a better business climate.)