Raleigh anti-harassment ordinance, RPD kills car shooter, SBI drama
No. 13 — Mar. 26-Apr. 1, 2023
Raleigh City Council considers "Anti-Harassment Ordinance" targeting demonstrations
I will give the Raleigh City Council credit for keeping the First Amendment on the top of their mind when crafting a new “anti-harassment ordinance” for the city. However, the Mayor did mention two specific types of demonstrators as the catalyst for this change: Black Hebrew Israelites and anti-abortion protesters. The intent of this ordinance is to criminalize “harassing” behavior which is not currently covered under state statutes. Specifically, the ordinance would cover following, surrounding, crowding, or cornering a person for the purpose of threat or intimidation in a city regulated area (public streets and city property). Most if not all of the cases I’ve witnessed of behavior by demonstrators which would violate this ordinance were by left-wing demonstrators. We will have to wait and see if the implementation of this ordinance will be as neutral as it’s phrasing.
Raleigh Police kill man who was shooting cars near middle school and prison
On Monday morning, Raleigh Police responded to reports of a man shooting at cars near the N.C. Correctional Institution for Women and Ligon Magnet Middle School in South Raleigh. According to Chief Peterson, police fatally shot the man after he fired at two police cars. Police have yet to release the identity of the shooter.
Durham DA asks SBI to investigate alleged extortion by council member
To follow up on last week’s story, Durham District Attorney Satana Deberry has asked the State Bureau of Investigations to investigate the accusation of extortion brought against rookie Durham City Council Member Monique Holsey-Hyman. If the best Holsey-Hyman can come up with is the “she’s a black woman” defense debuted by fellow council member DeDreana Freeman at last week’s meeting, she’s probably not in a great position legally.
In somewhat related news:
SBI director testifies on intimidation tactics from governor’s senior staff
The head of the State Bureau of Investigation, Director Bob Schurmeier, appeared before the NC House Oversight and Reform Committee to accuse Governor Cooper’s staff of interfering with the agency. The SBI was under the jurisdiction of the NC Department of Justice until 2014, when it was transferred to the NC Department of Public Safety, which is under the jurisdiction of the governor. At the time the NC DOJ was lead by Cooper as Attorney General. Now, the legislature is once again considering removing the SBI from Cooper’s oversight.
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