The Future of Abortion Legislation in NC
Plus Sen. Tillis censure attempt, politically motivated firing by local game company, etc.
2022 brought us the Dobbs ruling overturning Roe v. Wade, and left us with the North Carolina Republicans possessing a majority on the NC Supreme Court and just one vote shy of a supermajority in both chambers of the state legislature (necessary for overriding the Democrat Governor’s veto). I expect the Republicans to make a serious effort to pass anti-abortion laws.
In addition to at least four abortion clinics in the Triangle which will be affected by any new legislation, the presence of the State Capitol means we will see both pro-abortion and anti-abortion demonstrations throughout the year. Last year, in addition to large protests in Raleigh, the Wake GOP Headquarters and a Catholic church in Hillsborough were vandalized with pro-abortion messages. That’s why I’m devoting a significant chunk of this week’s issue to abortion and legislature-related articles.
Future of abortion law in NC unclear as Republicans work to reach consensus on ban - News & Observer
Although Republican leadership agrees that the current 20 week abortion ban should be stricter, there is not a consensus on where to draw the line in their upcoming legislation.
Cooper upset House rule change will weaken his veto power - Carolina Journal
With just one vote shy of a two-thirds supermajority in the House, any legislation supported only by Republicans will fall to Gov. Cooper’s veto power. However, that’s only if every member of the House is voting. If the Republicans can manage to hold a veto override vote when Democrat members are absent, they may be able to override the veto without any crossover votes. Previously, the rules included 48 hours notice for members before a veto override vote. Without that rule, there’s more opportunity for GOP shenanigans to get a bill past the governor.
Planned Parenthood drops lawsuit against five NC laws - North State Journal
New NC Supreme Court’s impact will extend beyond what we can see - Carolina Journal
After victories in judicial seats over the last few elections, Republicans now hold a majority on the NC Supreme Court. I suppose that played a role in Planned Parenthood dropping Planned Parenthood South Atlantic v. Moore, a lawsuit challenging miscellaneous abortion restrictions like certain facility safety codes or informed consent requirements.
Special Mention: Two North Carolina Democrats who could threaten abortion access | Opinion - News & Observer
Requiring doctors to provide care for infants who are born alive in botched abortions is just one of the mild laws categorized as “threatening abortion access” in this opinion piece. I don’t know what I could tell you that pro-abortion advocates haven’t already told you themselves.
In non-abortion related news…
Senator Thom Tillis Faces Furious Censure Over His Vote For Marriage Act Bill - National File
Lee County GOP Chairman Jim Womack is one of the Republicans seeking censure for Senator Thom Tillis over his vote for a bill codifying same-sex marriage on the federal level
Limited Run Games employee fired for following conservative Twitter accounts - El American
A video game distributor in Apex was the subject of criticism in certain online communities after firing a community manager who was targeted by trans activists for “transphobia” and following “right-wing transphobic” twitter accounts.
Sustainable Electricity We Can Rely On - Governor Cooper Press Release
The governor’s answer to blackouts like NC residents faced last month? More wind and solar. It feels a bit like political blackmail: We’ll only fix a malfunctioning power grid if you accede to the climate agenda.
Police charge Durham man shot by officers with assault with intent to kill - Herald-Sun
Durham Police shot an alleged car thief for attempting to flee in the stolen vehicle the second time they approached him. Between the two incidents, Ahmmon Fishe is alleged to struck three separate vehicles in his attempts to escape, and was shot after he jumped a curb in the vehicle, “which caused several officers to flee to prevent from being hit” (according to the DPD news release).
I’m a bit skeptical whenever the police use the attempts to escape by a fleeing suspect in an automobile as the justification for lethal force, but I suppose we’ll see what the cameras show (if that’s ever released).