Trump sign arson | Double homicide in Person Co: driver runs over son; father shoots driver
No. 33 — Aug. 13-Aug. 19, 2023
Cyclist sets fire to Trump signs at Raleigh home - $11k+ reward offered
In an act of politically motivated arson, a cyclist set fire to a “Trump Won” sign twice this week at the Raleigh residence of John Kane. If that name sounds familiar, he challenged incumbent Michael Whatley for the NC GOP chair at this year’s convention (see articles “Delegates complain of e-voting at NC GOP Convention” and “NC GOP Sued over Convention E-Voting Debacle”).
I’ll be honest with y’all, I used my regular weekly roundup writing time on this in-depth article, so please forgive this weeks shortness and take a look here instead:
Person County father fatally shoots NC DOT employee who had just fatally ran over his son
NC father charged with shooting man who hit and killed his son - WRAL
Father shoots, kills driver who crashed into and killed son: Person Co. Sheriff's Office - ABC11
Father Kills Driver Who Ran Over His Son in Fatal Crash: Sheriff - Newsweek
In this absolutely wild and tragic story coming out of the small unincorporated town of Timberlake where I grew up, a father, mother, and their teenage son were walking down a country road after running out of gas when tragedy struck: a driver in a pickup truck struck and killed the son. After the driver of the vehicle pulled over and called 911, the father fatally shot him, threw his gun into a nearby pond, and drove home in the driver’s truck with his wife, leaving their son and the driver at the scene of the crime.
The father, Chad Woods, has been charged with second-degree murder and larceny of a motor vehicle.
Other headlines I’ve read but don’t have time/inclination to comment on:
Parents still in limbo as Wake Schools bus driver crisis continues - ABC11
Raleigh police officer put on leave after pedestrian killed in Capital Blvd. crash - News & Observer
PNC Arena's $300M upgrade and bigger convention center could win crucial tourism money - Axios
Wake schools will pay $450,000, make changes after a child was repeatedly put in closet - News & Observer
Town of Carrboro to unveil third 'Truth Plaque' for Strayhorn House - ABC11
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