Happy New Year!
Trust is the lifeblood of journalism; I want to take a moment to thank everyone who reads and shares This Week in the Triangle, and especially those who support financially and reach out with tips and information.
For the past two years, this publication has provided me an opportunity to deliver the journalistic work I do straight to you, the reader. Although I began publishing on social media in the summer of 2020, having a platform which cuts through the layers of Big Tech algorithms and censorship is invaluable to me as I cover local stories which I find interesting and relevant.
There is a rebrand coming up in the future involving an updated name and a new logo/branding, but the plan is to stick to the same format on here: weekly roundups and original articles.
I continue to focus my efforts on local stories and topics which are unreported on or underreported by larger media institutions; although this means a lot of the reporting is around right-wing politics/activism, election security/integrity, and "culture war"-style stories, I will at least take a look at anything newsworthy y'all send me.
For those who began reading during the year, here's an organized list of the year's articles: